Since I went veg and began hula hooping, I've been on a self improvement trip. Not self-improvement the ol' _____ for Dummies way, but the "oh, wow, I didn't realize I did that" kind of way. I don't typically do New Year's Resolutions, but I'll buck against that norm by stating my goals for this year:
- get more serious about hula hooping; participate in classes; meet new hoopers in my area; watch more hoop videos; learn more tricks.
- buy an LED hoop (because I am way too lazy to try to make one and I know how bad I am about postponing things like that) once I feel that I've truly earned it.
- pick up additional activities such as (but not limited to) music, dance, contact juggling.
- be a better vegan by putting more forethought into the items I may purchase that *could* be made from leather and choosing an alternative instead, looking into the Indian dishes I eat so regularly and steering clear of what may be contaminated by butter, and requesting that a Starbucks Barista re-make my soy vanilla latte WITHOUT THE DAIRY WHIPPED CREAM!
When I began hooping a few years ago, the original purpose was to have fun and lose weight if I could. Now that I've done it for so long, I know that when I hoop on a regular basis I end up feeling better. I get that rush of exhilaration from doing something I absolutely love, the hormones from a serious cardiac work-out, and the pleasure of knowing that I am doing something that many people don't know how to do. I've been a real slacker over the past months. At the moment, I don't want to hoop outside unless it's daylight due to the cold wintery weather. Granted, I realize that if I just got out there and did it sans coat I would quickly warm myself up, but that winter lazy streak grips my bones. I've got to shake that off.
So, cheers! Here's to an improved version of the veganhula girl.